Exercise as Medicine

“Walking in man’s best medicine.” –Hippocrates (Father of Medicine, 466-370 BC)
“Exercise is the best preserver of health”. –Nicolas Andry (Father of Orthopedics, 1743)
“Football (Soccer) is medicine!” — Title of recent article in British Journal of Sports Medicine

The health benefits of exercise have been known and promoted since ancient times, as evidenced by the previous quotes. In our time, the number of people who enjoy all types of exercise is great. However, many others have sedentary lifestyles, causing an epidemic of obesity and other conditions of inactivity and deconditioning. These conditions include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and osteoporosis.
A physically active lifestyle has numerous health benefits. Exercise keeps blood pressure at more healthy levels. Heart function is improved. Blood sugar and blood lipids, which lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, respectively, are lowered by exercise. Joint mobility is improved by exercise, preventing or improving osteoarthritis. Muscle strength, flexibility, and function are maintained by exercise. Exercise increases calcification of bones, preventing osteoporosis. Lung function and better breathing are improved by aerobic activity.
In addition to these physical benefits of exercise, there are psychological benefits. Maintaining proper weight and an attractive physique enhances self-esteem. Also, exercise causes the brain to release endorphins and other “feel-good” chemicals, which improve mood and prevent depression.
The most important decision in developing or maintaining an active lifestyle is choosing of activity that you enjoy, and that your body can comfortably do. The doctors at Melbourne Podiatry Associates can provide guidance on beginning or changing an exercise program. Information on shoe gear, stretches, and injury prevention can be provided. Call for your appointment and get healthy!

Lower extremity injuries in tennis, racquetball, and pickleball

The 3 most popular racquet sports are tennis, racquetball, and pickleball. Each sport has specific injuries, but they share common injuries as well.

Because all of these sports require side-to-side motion and quick stops, ankle sprains are very common. Achilles tendinitis and even Achilles tendon ruptures also occur commonly and these sports. The motions of these sports can also lead to strain of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, and of muscles of the hip and groin areas.

Increasing activity level too quickly can lead to stress fractures of the bones of the lower extremities, as well as to delayed-onset muscle soreness, a condition that occurs 1-2 days after the activity.

Most racquet sport injuries can be prevented. Most importantly, a player should properly stretch before playing, and cool down with stretching after playing. Proper shoes are also important. Playing courts should be cleaned and dried prior to playing to prevent slipping. Proper technique will maximize performance and prevent sprains of muscles. Good hydration is important all sports, and applies to racquet sports also. Finally, adequate recovery after playing is important.

The doctors at Melbourne Podiatry Associates are experts in all sports injuries. Call our offices for your appointment.

Your one-stop place for the foot and ankle

Melbourne Podiatry Associates is your “one-stop place” for all of your foot and ankle problems.  You don’t have to go anywhere else!

We offered the advantages of CONVENIENCE, QUALITY, and VALUE!

Convenience means that you can get an appointment the same day you call.  We have four doctors at 3  convenient locations to serve you, with convenient hours.  All 3 locations (Melbourne, Eau Gallie, and Palm Bay) are well located, easy to find, and offer ample free parking.

Convenience also includes the fact that all of our offices are handicap friendly.  Our  helpful staff is trained to assist all patients, including those with disabilities.  All of our offices follow all government required safety and cleanliness guidelines.  One of our physicians (Dr. Jessica Wilson) is bilingual, as are staff members at our Eau Gallie office.  This allows better communication with our Spanish-speaking patients.

We offer all types of braces, splints, and boots (most of which are covered by insurance) in our offices.  There is no need to go anywhere else.  We also offer all types of over-the-counter and prescription orthotics, as well as Vionic shoes.  Additionally, we offer symptomatic and cosmetic treatment of varicose veins.

If your doctor  decides that you need x-rays or other diagnostic tests, there is no need to run around town.  We take x-rays of the foot, ankle and leg right in our office, with results available for discussion  immediately.  We also have in-office diagnostic ultrasound, a painless, simple, safe diagnostic test that is useful for the evaluation of many conditions.

Regarding quality, the services  provided at our offices are unsurpassed.  Our doctors have all the professional qualifications and credentialing to diagnose and treat all conditions of the foot, leg and ankle.  Similarly,our staff members are well-trained, courteous, and professional.

Regarding value, you can’t  do better than Melbourne Podiatry Associates.  We accept most insurance plans.  We offer special discounts for uninsured patients.  We accept credit cards.  Our prices for noncovered items and services are competitive.

If you want the highest quality service, at a convenient time in a convenient location, at a great value, visit Melbourne Podiatry Associates!

Dermatology of the lower extremity

What is the largest organ of the body?  This is a famous medical school trivia question.  The answer, surprisingly, is the skin!  The skin, also known as the integument, includes hair and nails, known as skin appendages.

Changes of the skin can be suggestive of underlying medical conditions, as well as of vascular problems.  Recognition of these signs can lead to further evaluation, treatment, and proper referrals.

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Sports-Specific Footwear Gives Kids a Boost

In this day  and age, sports are more popular than ever in children of all ages.  But did you know that picking the right shoe goes above and beyond just heading to the “athletics” section of the store?  Buying a “sports-specific” shoe– a shoe designed for the exact sport that your child will be participating in–not only improve her child’s performance in the sport, but also keeps them free from serious foot and ankle injuries.

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El calzado especifico para un deporte determinado ayuda enormemente a los ninos

En la actualidad, los deportes son mas populares que nunca entre los ninos de todas las edades. Pero, ?sabia usted que elegir el calzado adecuado es mucho mas que solo dirigirse hacia la seccion “deportes” de la tienda de calzado? Comprar calzado especifico para un deporte determinado—un calzado disenado especificamente para el deporte que practicara su hijo—no solo mejora el desempeno de su hijo en la cancha o enel campo, sino quetambien le evita lesiones serias de los pies y los tobillos.


Regateos y anotaciones—Para muchos ninos, baloncesto es el primer deporte organizado que eligen; por eso, es importante brindarles un calzado que les ayude a perfeccionar sus habilidades para jugar baloncesto y evitar lesiones.

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Consejos para la compra de calzado infantile

Todos los padres que hacer: corer a la zapateria mas cercana para que sus hijos usen los zapatos de ultima moda para la escuela, para jugar o para ambas cosas. Pero antes de que los padres inviertan en par nuevo de calzado infantil, deben considerarse algunos factores relacionados con los pies.

Los pies de los ninos cambian con los anos. Puede ser necessario cambiar de talla de zapatos y medias pocos meses a medida que les crecen los pies.

Los zapatos que no calzan en forma adecuada pueden ser perjudiciales para los pies. Mida siempre los pies de los ninos antes de comprar zapatos.

Nunce pase el calzado a otros ninos. El hecho de que una talla de zapato sea comoda para un nino no significa que le calzara a otro de la misma manera. Ademas, si se comparte el calzado, pueden transmitirse hongos, como el pie de atleta y hongos en las unas.

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Children’s shoe shopping tips

Parents everywhere know the drill–running to the nearest shoe store to outfit their children in the latest pair of shoes for school, play, or both.  But before parents invest in a new pair of shoes, some foot factors need to be considered.

A child’s foot changes as it grows.  It may be necessary to change shoe and sock sizes every few months as feet grow.

Shoes that don’t fit properly can aggravate the feet.  Always have a child’s feet measured before buying shoes

Never hand down footwear.  Just because the shoe size fits one child comfortably, it does not mean that it will fit another the same way.  Also, the practice of sharing shoes can spread fungi like athlete’s foot.

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It’s only a broken toe

It’s only a broken toe. There is no treatment. Just tape it to the next one. This is what we hear daily. Unfortunately, however, it is completely WRONG!

Fractures (breaks) of the bones of the toes are the most common fractures of the body. The fifth toe is the one most recently fractured. This usually happens when walking barefooted and hitting the toe against a piece of furniture or an object, often while walking in the dark. This injury has the nickname of the “bedpost fracture”.

Toe fractures can have several symptoms, including pain, swelling, bruising, weakness, stiffness, numbness, and displacement. The only way to determine if the bone is fractured is to take an x-ray. Often, suspected fracture will actually be a deep bruise or a sprain, both of which still require treatment. If the bone is fractured, it must be determined if it is in proper alignment , or if it is displaced. Displaced fractures have to be realigned, or “reduced”. This is usually done under local anesthesia in the office, but occasionally may require a surgical procedure. Once reduced, the fracture must be immobilized so that it will heal correctly.

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By now, everyone knows the common symptoms of the COVID-19 infection: cough, fever, shortness of breath. However, several less common symptoms have recently been reported. These include appetite loss, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell sensation, and “COVID toes”.

In April, a report from Spain introduced the first cases of COVID toes. These patients developed strange red or purple discoloration of the toes, associated with positive testing for the virus. Many cases have since been reported , and some cases have also involved the fingers. The discoloration is often accompanied by pain, swelling, itching, and burning. Sometimes a rash resembling chickenpox appears. COVID toes resolve without treatment , and no permanent damage occurs.

COVID toes tend to occur most often in younger patients, especially those in their twenties. The condition can occur before any other COVID symptoms occur, or may occur long after a diagnosed COVID case resolves. The cause of the condition is unknown, with the two most popular theories being an inflammatory reaction to the virus, or small blood clots in the small vessels of the skin.

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