Sometimes you might notice some thick areas of skin on your foot, possibly even causing some pain. It could be a corn or callus, but what is the difference between the two?
A corn gets its name from its resemblance to a corn kernel. It is a small, circular, thickened area of the skin of the foot , usually involving the toes. Its medical name is clavus. Corns are hard in the middle and usually form after repeated pressure on the skin, such as rubbing by a shoe.
A Callus is a localized thickening of the skin, usually found on the bottom of the foot. It results from friction and pressure. A callus can vary in size, and does not have the hard center that a corn has, so may not be as painful. Sometimes, however, a deep nucleated callus may form directly beneath a metatarsal bone and can be very painful. These growths are called intractable plantar keratoses.
Whether you have a corn or callus, don’t try to remove it at home, serious infection may occur. It is important to avoid using medicated corn pads for the same reason.If you are suffering from either issue, make an appointment with our office and we can evaluate the best course of treatment for your referral particular condition.