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Martial Arts Injuries

The term ‘martial arts” refers to a variety of sports that practice fighting techniques. There are millions of participants worldwide. Martial arts include styles from ...

Winter Sports Injuries

Although we practice in Florida, we treat many winter sports injuries. This is because many Central Floridians travel to participate in snow sports such as ...


Go Gators! Go Dawgs! Go ‘Noles! Let’s Go Pitt! Football season has arrived, and with it the hearty cheers for our favorite teams! Be it ...

Dance Injuries

Dance, or the movement of the body to music, has been done in every country since before recorded history. Dance has been used for many ...

Corn or Callus, what’s the difference?

Sometimes you might notice some thick areas of skin on your foot, possibly even causing some pain. It could be a corn or callus, but ...

Podiatrists: The primary care physicians of the lower extremity

There is a nationwide shortage of primary care providers (PCP’s), which include family practitioners, internists, pediatricians, among others.  A recent US Department of Health study ...

Topically applied compounded medications

There are three basics routes of administration for medications to get into the body. These are oral (pills), injectable, and topical (applied to the skin). ...


Many devices known as orthopedic braces and splints are used in treatment of various conditions of the foot and ankle.  These products are removal devices ...

Spring Walking Checklist

Spring is a great time to get yourself up off the couch and get on your way to better health. Don’t let foot pain slow ...

Don’t ignore big toe pain

The joint at the base of the big toe takes a beating each day. It has to bend with each step you take, gets jammed ...

Tasty holiday meals can trigger painful toes

With the most festive season of the year here, be aware that sudden changes in your diet can trigger painful gout attacks, especially in the ...

Assistant your diabetic loved one this autumn

November is National Diabetes Month, and an excellent reminder that the entire family should be involved with making sure that our diabetic loved ones stay ...

Enjoying the fall colors and keep your feet safe

Autumn foliage is best enjoyed while hiking. Hiking, however, can often lead to injuries of the foot and ankle. Steep hills, slippery surfaces, and loose ...

Hit the trails safely

Hiking is a great way to get exercise and fresh air while experiencing the beauty of changing seasons. Hiking-related injuries can range from relatively minor ...

Back to school backpack injuries

The children are returning to school soon, and all will be carrying their backpacks! Unfortunately, backpacks are often a source of injury, and many recent ...

Love those flip-flops?

Flip-flops sandals of every color, design, and material are always popular in the summertime for everyone. But, while these types of sandals are fun, they ...

Summer running: Beware the sun

Running in the Florida summer presents its own set of challenges.  Many runners decrease their mileage during this time of year, while others change their  ...

Golfers: Don’t be handicapped with foot pain

This summer when you head to your favorite golf course, make sure  your feet are in shape before you approach the tee. Many golfers don’t ...

Safety Tips For Barefoot Summer

Whether you are walking on the beach, wandering your local park, or enjoying your own backyard, going barefoot on your adventure is one of the ...

Keep Young Athletes Injury Free

The majority of athletic injuries affect the foot, leg, or ankle. This is true in both adults and children.To reduce the incidence of sports injuries ...